Q. How do I open an account with your company?
A. Please
click here to get the forms and procedure.
Order / Shipping
Q. What are the procedures of transhipment ?
A. Transhipment process are as follows:
- Order received and sent to the corresponding country
- Shipments arrive to LAX, gets reoxygen / rewater if needed
- Shipment is re-ship from LAX to you
All prices are FOB from the country of origin, except otherwise
Q. What is the transhipment fee ?
A. Please check the FAQS after you login for the tranship
You can also fax us a copy of your license and we will email the
charges to you.
Please don't forget to include company phone, fax or email with
the license where we can send the info.
Q. What is the minimum order ?
A. Minimum order to purchase livestock is 1 box on any
particular list.
We cannot combine from various lists to make a box. Each list on
the product page comes from different suppliers.
If your order is less than a box from a particular list, we will
not be able to process the order.
Q. When is the latest time to order ?
A. The latest time to order:
Corals is Thursday 4 PM PST (including propagated corals).
Fishes is Thursday 4 PM PST.
Q. When will I receive my shipments ?
A. Usually you will receive the shipment 1 day after
it arrive in LAX. If the shipment arrive in LAX on:
Sunday ---> Monday arrival
Tuesday ---> Wednesday arrival
Wednesday ---> Thursday arrival
Thursday ---> Friday arrival
Q. What is the schedule of your shipments ?
Bali fishes, Bali propagated Corals, Kupang, Philippine
for Sunday arrival
Vietnam corals and freshwater are for Sunday arrival
Australian for Wed / Thursday arrival
Q. How often is the lists get updated ?
A. The lists is updated every Monday morning of the
week. Some list for corals do not change from week to week because
the cites that we have is the same every week.
Q. How many fishes or corals can fit in a box ?
A. For corals generally we can fit around (including
Small corals about 25 - 30 pcs per box
Medium corals about 20 - 25 pcs per box
Large corals about 10 to 15 pcs per box
XL corals or XL Acropora = 3 to 4 pcs per box
For fishes it is generally harder to determine since the variety
and size of the fishes matter to make up the box.
As a guidelines, we can put these items in a box.
Coral Beauty Angel (M) around 30-35 pcs, or
Sebae Clown (M) around 25-30 pcs, or
Damsels (M) around 180 - 200 pcs, or
Red Volitan Lion fish (M) around 10 pcs, etc
Q. What is the box’s dimension and how much does it weight ?
A. L x W x H is 21” x 14” x 16”, one box of fish
is about 18 KG (40 lbs) and one box of corals is about 25 KG (55
Method of payment / transfer
Q. What payment method is accepted? A. We accept payment
- transfer to our bank account (usually for direct shipment / large
invoice amount)
- credit card (Visa, Mastercard and Discover)
- Quickpay by Zelle before shipping
Q. When should I transfer the fund ?
A. If you want the shipment to arrive within 6 days from the time
you order, you need to send the bank transfer by Wednesday of that
week. If the bank transfer has not arrive by Friday to our account,
the shipment will be postponed until the following week.
How do I know how much to send the money if I use bank transfer
A. We will send a sales estimate based on your order. Order
will be processed by the end of the working days. You should use
the amount on the sales estimate to make your bank transfer.
Q. When will you charge my credit card ?
A. Credit card will be charge after we send out the
sales estimate or after we receive your orders. After several transactions
with your company, we can change the time of credit card charge
until after we receive the packing list from our supplier.
Domestic Shipping / Direct shipment
Q. I pay about $75.00 for domestic shipping from LAX to New York.
Is there any way to have lower shipping cost?
Yes, if you order a minimum of 100 lbs, airlines will give better
rate per lbs. Generally, you can ship 100 lbs and still pay the
same price as you ship 50 lbs. Furthermore, rates are determines
by region in which you are located.
Q. I notice the box is 3/4 full, is there any way they can fit
more items in the box?
They cannot add more items in the box. The first time
they pack the boxes, the bags are fully inflated.
By the time it gets here, the bags get a little deflated and therefore
the box looks 3/4 full.
Q. We are a wholesaler/distributor and located close to international
Can we have direct shipment ship to our area?
A. Direct shipment is only available if you purchase
fish only.
We can ship to your destination as long as it is served by international
The airlines that we usually use are: China Airlines, Eva Airways,
Japan Airlines, and Singapore Airlines.
The minimum order for direct shipment is 250 KG or about 14 boxes
of fish.
Others Questions
Q. I received an email with the invoice attachment but cannot
open the attachment.
How can we view the file ?
A. We use Adobe software to create the attachment. You can
get free Adobe Reader at www.adobe.com.
Q. What book the page number comes from that is listed on the
stocklist ?
A. For fish we refer to: Dr Burgess' Atlas of Marine Aquarium Fishes
- large edition
For invertebrates section we refer to: Encyclopedia of Marine Invertebrates
- edited by Jerry G Walls
Both published by TFH Publication.
Q. Help, the anemones that I received have its gut inside out
A. First of all, put them in a bucket and drip them
with your tank water. Then after a few minutes, start to touch and
lift up the anemones from the water while using your thumbs to push
the gut slowly inside. This will trigger their retracting movement
and will eventually bring the gut back inside. Repeat the process
several times until the gut is inside or majority of it is inside.
Then you can place them in your tank with direct flow blowing to
them. This will also make them more alive due to the water movement.